
Are you looking for a meaningful way to spend your valuable time or share your talent?

We hope you will explore how involvement with Breast Cancer Alliance can enhance your life by allowing you to help others. BCA operates with a very lean staff so its success is greatly supported by its vibrant, committed volunteers. Whether it is to help plan or run an event, support our social media and marketing efforts, build a partnership with your brand, or something else entirely, there are opportunities to suit every talent, location, and time constraint. We invite all to inquire how you can contribute in a way that best suits you.



For many years Breast Cancer Alliance supporters nationwide have been turning their personal passions and interests into opportunities to raise funds for, and awareness about, breast cancer. Events have ranged from a 30-person dinner party, to a tennis tournament, to a wine tasting and tour. 100% of all money raised by these programs and opportunities goes directly to help fund innovative, impactful grants. You can find sample ideas here. New ideas are always welcome, so feel free to run them by our team by contacting us at info@breastcanceralliance.org.

Would you like to share your breast cancer story?

We know the power of stories and how one person’s experience can help to strengthen another. As such, through Instagram, Facebook and our newsletter, Outlook, we offer women and men who have survived, are in treatment for, or are living with metastatic breast cancer, the opportunity to share their stories. If you would like to be a featured in BCA Saturday Stories on social media, or tell a longer version of your story in our newsletter, Outlook, please email info@breastcanceralliance.org. Samples of earlier pieces can be found @breastcanceralliance on Instagram or on the BCA website in our newsletters, https://breastcanceralliance.org/newsletters.


Breast Cancer Alliance is fortunate to have a supportive community of women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and want to be able to support those newly diagnosed, and loved ones and caregivers of those patients. If you are interested in being a mentor, please complete following questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCAPeer.



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Greenwich, CT 06830


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